Thursday, September 30, 2010

meat meat meat!

I've made it to level two! I can't believe how much I have learned in such a short amount of time. My brain is running out of room. But, I am really enjoying level two because chef Rogers provides less instruction, which facilitates a more creative environment. Yay for independency.

We have been doing lots of meat -- from pork chops, to short ribs, to rabbit. 

Reaching inside chicken carcasses to remove their hearts and livers was revolting and the bunny-in-a-bag disturbingly resembled a fetus on my cutting board, but these once-furry critters were killed by an outsider (sicko), so no complaints here. RIP Louie.  

Here are some of the dishes I've made...

contre-filet grillé aux beurre raifort & beurre d'echalote
[grilled strip loin with horseradish butter and garlic shallot butter]

filet de boeuf et sauce bordelaise & pommes frites
[beef medallions with sauce borderlaise]

rosettes de porc au gingembre, sauce aigre-doux
[ginger-marinated pork fillet with sweet and sour sauce]

navarin printanier d'agneau
[lamb stew]

côtes d'agneau avec ratatouille
[marinated lamb chops with vegetable ragout and roasted garlic butter]

sautéed venison loin with sauce borderlaise and pommes darphin

pan roasted quail with rice and sausage stuffing

suprême de cancton sauté et cuisse braisée à l'orange
[sauteed breast and braised duckling led with orange]

poulet rôti grand-mère
[roasted chicken, grandmother-style]

veal blanquette de veau à l'ancienne & riz pilaf
[poached veal with cream sauce and rice pilaf]

pot au feau, sauce raifort
[slow braised short ribs with horseradish sauce]

jarret d'agneau braisé
[braised lamb shank with cous cous]

rabbit ragôut with vegetables and pommes purée
[slow briased shredded rabbit sauce over mashed potatoes]

paupiette de volaille & légumes farces
[stuffed escalope of chicken with stuffed vegetables]

poulet sauté chasseur
[hunter style chicken]

poulet poché un court bouillon méditerranéen
[mediterranean chicken]

<3 lisa, the little foodie

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